Ian Barker


Ian has over 25 years’ experience of R&D management in plant pathology and diagnostics technology. Before joining the Swiss-based Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture, he worked for the International Potato Center (CIP) in Peru and Kenya from 2006-2010.  As CIP’s Head of Seed Systems in Nairobi, Ian’s aim was to improve the provision of affordable quality planting material for smallholders in developing countries. Ian chaired CIP’s public-private partnership committee, and has implemented innovative partnerships using private sector investment and know-how to increase the availability of quality potato seed in East Africa. Previously, he worked for 18 years as Head of Diagnostics at the UK Food and Environment Research Agency, developing and commercializing novel diagnostic methods for plant and animal diseases as well as food and feed contaminants. Ian graduated from Wye College, University of London, and holds a PhD from the University of Exeter, UK.