Expanding utilization of roots, tubers and bananas and reducing their postharvest losses
Introduction | Objectives and Approach | Implementation | Sub-Projects | Gender Strategy |
Projects | Reports and Publications | Project Staff | Steering Committee | Media |
Reports and publications
Project-wide and cross-cutting
- Project flyer
- Report of Inception meeting
- Report PMCA Training workshop
- Report of Meeting-cum-training event
- Report of Communications and M&E workshop
- Workshop report: Review and Validation of Gender Strategies for the Banana and Potato Sub-projects and Training in Engendered Business Planning
- Ppt Presentation “Postharvest losses along the cooking banana, potato and cassava fresh value chains in Uganda”
- Report of the end of project workshop
Banana subproject
- Banana flyer
- Report of inception and PMCA Training workshop
- Technical report: Structure of the Cooking Banana Value Chain in Uganda and Opportunities for Value Addition and Postharvest Losses Reduction
- Technical Report: Gender situational analysis of the banana value chain in Western Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovation
- Article “Postharvest losses and their determinants: A challenge to creating a sustainable cooking banana value chain in Uganda” - Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050. 2018, 10(7):2381
- Leaflet of Market-preferred banana varieties – English
- Leaflet of Market-preferred banana varieties – Luganda
- Technical Report: Cost-benefit analysis of cooking banana seed propagation methods
- Technical Report: Optimization of the harvest stage for reducing cooking banana postharvest losses: a multi-criteria approach targeting matooke end-product
- Technical Report: Storage temperatures for shelf-life extension of different cooking banana presentation forms
- Poster “Stay visual inspection or go weighing? Insights from a value chain analysis for cooking banana in Uganda”
- Cooking banana marketing protocol (English)
- Cooking banana marketing protocol (Luganda)
- Outcome Story “Defying the odds: the story of a female matooke trader in Uganda”
- Workshop report: PMCA final event. Reducing postharvest losses and promoting product differentiation in the cooking banana value chain
Sweetpotato subproject
- Sweetpotato flyer
- Ppt presentation "The use of Sweet Potato Residues as Feed in Rural and Peri-urban Smallholder Pig Systems in Uganda" (Nairobi, May 2015)
- Article "Perception and practices of farmers on the utilization of sweetpotato, and other root tubers, and banana for pig feeding in smallholder crop-livestock systems in Uganda" - Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2015, Vol. 27, Article 226.
- Report of ToT on sweetpotato silage making
- Leaflet for SPHI Meeting (Kigali, Sep 2015)
- Sweetpotato silage making manual (En)
- Sweetpotato silage making manual (Luganda)
- Improved tube silage making method brochure (Luganda)
- Report of the farmer training on sweetpotato silage making in Masaka district
- Report of the farmer training on sweetpotato silage making in Kamuli district
- Poster "Understanding gender dynamics and their contribution to designing "winning" sweetpotato post-harvest interventions" (Nanning, Jan 2016)
- Technical Report: Gender situational analysis of the sweetpotato value chain in central and eastern Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovations
- Technical Report: An evaluation of current pig feeding practices on smallholder farms in Masaka and Kamuli districts of Uganda
- Article “Sweet potato wastes in major pig producing districts in Uganda: an opportunity for investment in silage technologies” - Livestock Research for Rural Development, 2017, Vol. 29, Article 216
- Technical Report: Characteristics of silage based on sweetpotato with combinations of local feed resources in Uganda
- Sweetpotato silage manual for smallholder farmers (version 2)
- Technical Report: Effect of sweetpotato silage diets on performance of growing pigs in Uganda
- Poster “Effect of feeding supplemented sweetpotato silage on pig performance in smallholder production systems in Uganda”
- Brochure “How to make sweetpotato silage”
- Guidelines for feeding sweetpotato silage to pigs
- Training Report: Training of trainers and farmers’ training on validated sweetpotato silage making and use in Masaka and Kamuli districts
- Technical Report: Economic analysis of sweetpotato silage based diets for smallholder pig farmers in Uganda
- Conference proceedings “Economic analysis of sweetpotato silage-based diet for smallholder pig farmers In Uganda. Proceedings of 6th African Conference of Agricultural Economists, Abuja, Nigeria, 23-26 September”
- Article “Farmer demand and willingness-to-pay for sweetpotato silage-based diet as pig feed in Uganda” - Sustainability. ISSN 2071-1050. 2020, 12(16), article 6452
- Conference proceedings “Farmer demand and willingness-to-pay for sweetpotato silage-based diet as pig feed in Uganda” Proceedings of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE) 2018 Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 28 July-2 August”
- Technical Report: Capacity needs assessment of potential sweetpotato silage producers, traders and service providers
- Training Report: Business skills for potential sweetpotato silage entrepreneurs
- Training Guide: Pig and pigmeat marketing in Uganda
- Training Report: Strengthening farmers’ capacities for profitable pig and pigmeat marketing in selected districts of Uganda
Potato subproject
- Potato flyer
- Associations capacity need assessment
- Associations business training curriculum
- Brief guide to ware potatoes storage
- Technical Report: Market and value chain analysis of ware potato from eastern Uganda with a focus on postharvest management practices and losses
- Technical Report: Gender situational analysis of the potato value chain in Eastern Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovations
- Technical Report: Evaluation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes for adaptability in Mt. Elgon Region of Uganda
- Technical Report: Improved potato harvesting techniques
- Technical Report: Effect of storage conditions on the processing quality of different potato varieties grown in Eastern Uganda
- Manual “Ware potato harvesting and storage techniques: guidelines for harvesting and storage management of ware potato”
- Poster “Potato farmer and markets strategies to cope with seasonalities and implications for postharvest losses in eastern Uganda “
- Technical Report: Economic viability of ware potato storage in ambient stores in Eastern Uganda
- Technical Report: Potato associations capacity need assessment and action planning
- Training curriculum: Entrepreneurship skills training for potato association
- Training report: Entrepreneurial skills for ware potato production, postharvest handling and marketing
- Training Report: Enhancing ware potato storage critical steps in pre and post-harvest and storage management of potato in field for best ware quality
Cassava subproject
- Cassava flyer
- Training Report: South-South Collaboration for Strengthening Capacities in Assessing the Postharvest Physiological Deterioration (PPD) of Fresh Cassava Roots and Technologies for Shelf-life Extension
- Ppt presentation "The impact of PPD in the fresh cassava roots value chain and current mitigation measures in Uganda: Perspectives and actions of value chain actors" (Nanning, Jan 2016)
- Poster "Extending the shelf life of fresh cassava roots for increased incomes and postharvest loss reduction in Uganda: Current business case" (Nanning, Jan 2016)
- Ppt presentation "Effectiveness of cassava stem pruning for inducing delay in postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) of fresh roots" (Nanning, Jan 2016)
- Poster "PPD effects and gender and gender dynamics in the retail marketing of fresh cassava roots; a case study in Uganda" (Nanning, Jan 2016)
- Technical Report: Market opportunities and value chain analysis of fresh cassava roots in Uganda
- Technical Report: Gender situational analysis of the cassava value chain in Western Uganda and strategies for gender equity in postharvest innovations
- Technical Report: Postharvest Physiological Deterioration (PPD) tolerance of selected Ugandan cassava varieties
- Technical Report: Efficacy of pruning, waxing and relative humidity storage in extending shelf-life of fresh cassava roots
- Article “Effectiveness of pruning and waxing in reducing postharvest physiological deterioration in Uganda local cassava varieties” - African Crop Science Journal, 2019, 27, 237-251
- Poster “Extending the shelf life of cassava through waxing”
- Technical Report: Profitability of Waxing and Relative Humidity Storage for Shelf-life Extension of Fresh Cassava Roots in Uganda
- Manual “Fresh cassava roots handling for waxing and relative humidity storage”
- Manual “Setting up a packhouse for waxing and relative humidity storage of fresh cassava roots”
- Training Report: Capacity building in agronomic practices, waxing and relative humidity storage technologies for shelf-life extension of fresh cassava roots
- Training Report: Capacity building in entrepreneurial and business skills for operationalizing fresh cassava roots packhouse